Bball Perspective serves up a number of thoughts regarding athletic directors and the hiring of coaches. Here are a few:
1) They hire based on calls.. D1 coaches call for their friends. A candidates' resume speaks truth. Friends don't.
3) They make "safe" hires. The AD is scared to fail so he/she makes a low risk/moderate reward hire.
4) They hire based on the candidates' most recent year instead of full body of work.
6) Because they can. AD's aren't held accountable like coaches are
8) They have an ego. AD's need to ask coaches, "What can I do to help?" Instead of, "This is what you need to do."
11) They don't understand the differences in culture between sports. Exp:Golf/W-Basketball=different personalities
12) They don't know where they are. They expect consistent success when it's not feasible.
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