Monday, August 30, 2010

Kiwi to Westwind Prep

Pat Stevens, the editor and publisher of the National Recruiting Wrap, has a listing out of those ballers attending prep school in 2010-2011. One such player is:
WESTWIND PREP (AZ) -- Kiwi Gardner (5-8 PG/Manteca, Calif./Manteca)
So it sounds like heading to Atlanta is out for Kiwi.

Westwind is the same Phoenix school Fresno State's Greg Smith attended, as did Chris Jones, now of San Jose State.

The list is by no means complete as Stevens writes that he'll be adding names in the future.

Here's a link to Westwind Prep basketball.


  1. Thats good news. I believe that Kiwi will benefit greatly from this move.

  2. Ya kiwi will get more recognition there instead of at manteca..Im an alumni of Manteca high and watched him play a few I've seen live
