Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Stanley taking over at Foothill

With Shanan Rosenberg returning to Oregon, 33-year-old Matt Stanley has moved over from Cañada College in Redwood City to Foothill. It's some proverbial big-sized shoes to fill after a 22-5 season but Stanley is well acquainted with the Owl basketball program.

Since 2011, the Chico native headed the Cañada Colts program but prior to then, he assisted Rosenberg in Los Altos Hills beginning in 2008. It was a robust era for the El Monte road-based basketball program.

Stanley also assisted at Nevada (Coach Mark Fox) and at California State University Chico (Coach Puck Smith) after playing at Shasta College and later Lewis & Clark in Portland, Oregon. Rosenberg was an assistant there when Stanley played at L & C.

"After my last game in college, I decided I wasn't ready yet to be done with hoops," Stanley said. "So I called Puck Smith at Chico State and asked if I could be a GA. Best decision I ever made. "

He owns a physical education master's degree from Chico and will also be teaching kinesiology courses at Foothill.

Coming from a basketball family, Stanley has spent over half his young life enmeshed in hoops. His father played in college and it became like father, like son: "I would tag along with him whenever his dad went to the gym."

Stanley said "[Coach] Rosenberg is one of my mentors" but he will be putting his personal trademark on the program. "It will be little differences."

What won't be changing is the Foothill coaching staff continuing a strong presence at area high school games.

Also, Assistant Coach Jimmy Herrera is returning to the program.

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