Monday, December 1, 2014

Can LMU win consistently?

Jonathan Abrams digs into the question whether Loyola Marymount can ever become a consistent winner. The Hank Gathers, Bo Kimble, Jeff Fryer (remember him?) years were definitely an anomaly but the Lions have a wonderful campus, are located near the beach, play in a well respected basketball league and seemingly should never have to leave southern California to recruit. So what gives? Can Mike Dunlap change the program's trajectory?


Also, Coach Bob Walsh recently wrote about the article and zeroed in on a portion of it in particular:

I loved this quote from Mike Dunlap on why he left Metro State when they were a Division II powerhouse. Very self-aware. You can easily get trapped into overlooking the positive when you’ve had a lot of success and you are just driving for more.

“I was becoming too hard on the kids,” Dunlap said, explaining why he left Metro State. “I was becoming too hard on the administration. We were in pursuit of 1 percent. We were one of the top programs in America, so when a freshman came in he inherited a lot of burden as opposed to joy. I just became more and more demanding on everybody and I didn’t like who I was becoming. It was my fault, so I had to leave.”

Wow, that takes an incredible amount of self awareness and discipline.

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