Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Life is basketball, basketball is life

Somehow we have this notion that the personal behavior of coaches, players, owners and even referees both on and off the court, field, rink, diamond or pool should always be exemplary.

We're taken aback when deviations occur (which always happens and will continue on).

But why?

Regardless of occupation, there are no special exemptions for anyone from the frailties afflicting all humankind.

Yet somehow there is this expectation (or maybe more appropriately desire) that only superheroes, simply gods and goddesses populate the sporting world.

Leading to the belief that all decisions will be the best because so-and-so can score 30 points a game or throw a baseball 100 mile per hour and that such paves the road to infallibility.

We all fly too close to the sun, some more than others. Addiction, pettiness and selfishness has no known vaccine for either rich or poor, for remarkable talents or those with negligible abilities.

Despite our wishes.

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