Monday, October 12, 2015

Fascinating material

"How Stephen Curry works on slowing the game down"

An excerpt: "...Indeed, if Curry ever does claim that top-player status, it won't be because he starts jumping over defenders or bullying foes in the post. The improvements will result from something internal -- the slowing of time inside his mind. They will be the function of weaponized perception, a training of the brain to think quicker than your opponent can leap.

"You can be the fastest player in the world, but if you constantly make the wrong decision, it doesn't matter," says Brandon Payne of Accelerate Basketball, Stephen Curry's trainer since the 2011 lockout. That might be an obvious truth, but what's less obvious is that one can train his decisions in the same way he might strengthen his legs. This is why Payne says the word "cognitive" as much as he says anything about muscles or fat..."

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